Friday, December 30, 2011

Insomniac Gift Wrap

Okay, there are a couple parts to this blog post.  Let's see if I can can put them together and make a complete story that makes sense.  

One of my best friends had a baby shower a couple months ago. 

She is a Crunchy Mom (like me) so I decided to give her a book on making homemade baby food (like the ones I have, that I noticed she had been admiring).

Now on to the part that doesn't seem like it has much to do with the story about gift wrapping...  I promise it does, so just hang in there until the end.

Yum Yum has severe acid reflux, which makes him fussy.  He also has a wheat intolerance which aggravates his reflux (I breastfeed, so what I eat, he eats).   At the time of this shower we were still investigating his food allergies and hadn't quite figured everything out.  

 Yum Yum was born with a temporary medical condition called laryngomalacia.  This is when the airway is for lack of a better word, "floppy" and collapses causing apnea... and the lack of oxygen causes a low heart rate.  The reflux aggravates this condition.

The nice people at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana put Yum Yum on an apnea monitor.  This is a machine that is connected to wires and electrodes attached to Yum Yum, that monitored his breathing and heart rate.  This relieved a lot of stress, but also caused a lot of stress.  There are a lot of false alarms with this machine, and Yum Yum is very active, and would get himself tangled in his wires.

Because of this, Yum Yum had to sleep in my room, so I could monitor his breathing and wire tangling activities.  Yum Yum also liked to eat about every two hours at the time I was wrapping the gift for my friend. 

So now that I have explain some of Yum Yum's medical history.  I can tell you that I slept very little in the first seven months of his life, which is when The Baby Shower took place.

I bought some polka dot tissue paper from Target (because I love polka dots, but that is like another 50 posts to explain).  I wrapped the book, and it looked really plain.  All of my kids were sleeping, and I knew Yum Yum would be waking up for another feeding, so I decided to embellish my gift wrap.

 I looked in my arsenal of scrapbooking supplies and found some stamps with symbols for "Love" and "Good Luck" with the word printed below the symbol.  That still looked too plain...  So I found some liquid glitter and decorated the polka dots.  And it was good.  Then I fed Yum Yum.

My friend liked her gift... I think, and I got a lot of compliments on my wrapping.  

So this ridiculously long blog post was just to show my gift wrapping project wasn't a Divine Martha Stewart Moment... it was just me sleep deprived and bored, playing with my glitter and my stamps.

*Just to do a little plug... my friend I wrapped the gift for also has a blog.  You can visit it at

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