Thursday, December 29, 2011

Allow Me To Make The Necessary Introductions...

I decided the most logical way to begin my new blog was by introducing you to my family.  Since I am a housewife, they will be a significant part of my blog.

So here it goes...

This is my husband, he a licensed journeyman plumber.  And me... the over caffeinated housewife.

I have decided to use my family member's nicknames for the purpose of anonymity... and because all of the cool kids are doing it.
In order from left to right...
V is three years old. #1 is seven years old. Jelly Bean is six years old. And M is two years old.  V and M stay at home with me.  #1 and Jelly Bean are in first grade and kindergarten respectively.  They attend the local Catholic grade school at our church.

These are not just random names I made up for my blog, we actually call the kids by these nicknames... I don't know why, we just do.

This is Yum Yum, the only boy.  He is eight months old.  Please try to ignore the bras in the background of this photo.  Yum Yum was diagnosed with Goldenhar Syndrome shortly after his birth... but more on that later.

Now onto our furry family members...

This is our Chihuahua Blue, he is seven years old.

This is our rather elusive Yorkshire Terrier, Audrey.  She is four years old.

Well, that is all of us.  Now you won't wonder if I am typing random letters and numbers when I'm blogging.  

And yes, my husband and I are the biological parents of all five kids.  I have given birth to five children in seven years (kind of explains my excessive caffeine consumption doesn't it...)  This may seem like a lot of kids close together (that is how it seems to me anyway).  But there are families I know who have twice the amount of kids with very close ages (like mine) so I will try and keep my complaining to a minimum.


  1. Hi Sarah, nice blog! I wish I could get my background to be as cute as yours! I'm trying to set it up to match my Etsy shop but I'm a little bit blog illiterate. My blog is like yours, nothing specific, just pieces of my world!

  2. I will check out your blog! This is my second blog, I am a lot happier with this one. My first one was really random. I have grand plans to link this blog to my etsy shop and my youtube account, but we'll see how that goes, lol.
